
Will Kwan, Dan Robinson, Charlie Jeffery, Juan Esteban Sandoval, Raphaelle
De Groot, Julie Fiala
Negotiating Us, Here and Now arose around connections with Cittadellarte-Fondazione
Pistoletto in Biella, Italy, whose aim as expressed in the installation
‘Porte Spazio’ (above) is to integrate art with other realms of society.
Alongside this work each of the six artists represented in the project
negotiated with people and communities in Leeds through different and
effective artistic tactics or methodologies. These included performance,
dialogue, humour and confrontation

"In this exhibition Robinson worked with each of the other artists, assisting, collaborating, intervening and reframing. His works at Artist House took the form of curatorial placards, produced by his own art organisation, Centre for International Success’. Robinson produced five works for Leeds City Art Gallery that question the rhetoric of institutions and artists. In his work ‘Mud Manifesto he riffs on Pistoletto's manifesto and Mud Factory, a sculpture by Charlie Jeffery, to call for a new Mud Office to be created. This was the founding moment of Mud Office who over the next few years Robinson and Jeffery established as an artistic production agency delivering project commissions in France for Rennes Biennial, Galerie Ho (Marseille), CAC-Synagogue du Delme, Palais de Tokyo (Paris) and La Station (Nice)."