allotments, farms & physical labour in the art & design curriculum
Using the paradigm of the garden, the landscape
painting, the community plot, the communal space, a place where things
grow, where we put things in and take things out, nourish ourselves, scatter,
seed, and cultivate, this module encourages students to take from the
Fine Art Programme what they need to develop their own practice, put back
into a shared space their ideas, experiences, work, assignments, and works-in-progress.
Vanaylne Green - Leeds University Fine Art

A step towards outside contexts encouraging self-organisation, social
engagement, collaboration. The Allotment as cultural space, leads to critical
thinking on other spaces of cultural production and distribution:
institutions, galleries, media, cities, architectures. This experimental
thinking and doing space 'outside' the institution fosters a different
working dynamic
Liz Stirling - Leeds Met Graphics
related links to external sites:
- Leeds University allotment
Blog - LMU allotment